Thursday, December 14, 2017

Let's talk self care

When someone talks to you about practicing self care, what do you think of?

Taking a walk?
Drawing a bath?
Taking a nap? ( this may or may not be my favorite one 😉)

As good as these all sound, I won't be talking about any of them.

Let's go back in time all the way to March 2017.  I was working for a pretty cool company based here in Utah.  We were celebrating 10 years of business!!  And, in true Cents of Style form, it was a HUGE party.  We had food, dancing, photo booth, ice cream and an all around good time!  

Before the party started as all the employees were setting up, Jen Springer - the cutest makeup artist-was prepping our fearless leader.  I started asking about her about applying false lashes.  I was not new to this as I had been applying them to my daughter for the past three years for competition dance.  I was asking for me.  I had been toying with the idea of wearing them myself, but I felt that I would look like a clown or that I was trying too hard if I did. 

She gave me a few tips and I felt that I could do it.  Jump ahead a few weeks when, with my company, we hosted a dance party for SNAP Conference.  When Jen walked in, I called her to me and showed her my lash applying efforts - which took forever by the way.  She was so excited that I managed to put them on.  And, they didn't fall off all night!  

You may be asking yourselves why you even need to know all this. Well, up until this time, I would rarely wear makeup.  I usually only wore it when I went to church and on a date with the hubby. On very rare occasions, I would put it on as I ran errands.  I have been trying to think about ways to take better care of myself.  Of finding things that make me feel the way my husband feels about me.  The easiest (and, let's be honest) cheapest way to do this, was with makeup.  My hubby loves when I take a few extra minutes to apply a bit of makeup.

I can now say that ever since March 2017, I have only missed a few days of putting on makeup.  It was only when it got so hot at work (warehouse in the summertime), when I was sick, or when my depression would throw me into a tail-spin.

For me, taking care of myself involves wearing makeup and putting on those false lashes when I am wanting to feel a little bit extra.

What are some things you do in your self care routine?

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