Monday, June 20, 2011

Emergency Diaper Kit

This would make a fun and unique baby shower gift. In fact, I am know to give this to any member of my family-immediate and extended-who is having a baby.  I am sure you are wondering what it is right?  Well, when my oldest was a baby, I found myself running errands one day and she just happened to have a blow-out.  No biggie.  I took her out of her carseat and proceeded to change her in the car.  Well, I forgot to put more diapers in the diaper bag.  We happened to be in the parking lot of a store, so I gathered her and all her 'supplies' and went in and bought more diapers-even though I had a practically new package at home.  It was then that I came up with this:


I put one of these in my car and it helped a ton!!  Since you are wonering what I put in it, I will show you.

diapers, wipes, butt cream, changing pad, hand sanitizer, disposable bags (to throw soiled diaper away), and nursing pads.  I also added an extra onesie, and a toy.  Then, when I had my 2nd, I added a change of clothes for the first child.

tag reads: "Have you ever been out driving around when that inevitable happens: a diaper blowout?   Keep this in your car for those occasions and you won't get caught unprepared again.

This kit contains the following:  10 newborn diapers, wipes, rash cream, hand sanitizer, disposable bags, nursing pads, changing pad.

All you need to add is a onesie, a toy and anything else you need out on the road.  Just remember to switch out the diapers to bigger ones as you baby grows."

I am linking today:

Crafts Keep Me Sane
The Girl Creative
Skip to My Lou
Delicate Construction
Sew Can Do

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